Resolusi 2017

Resolusi 2017
          Selama tahun 2016 saya memiliki banyak kekurangan pada tahun 2017 ini diharapkan saya dapat memperbaiki beberapa kesalahan tersebut. Resolusi tahun 2017 saya diantara lain: Menstabilkan Emosi alasan saya mencoba menstabilkan emosi adalah menurut psikolog emosi saya sering ikut campur dalam hal lain yang menyebabkan kerja saya menjadi tidak maksimal. Resolusi keuda adalah Mendapatkan nilai seratus dalam Un mata pelajaran Matematika Matematika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran favorit saya karena itu saya harus mencapai nilai seratus.
          Resolusi ketiga adalah Mendapatkan nilai seratus dalam Un mata pelajaran IPA saya mengiginkan nilai seratus pada IPA alasannya sama seperti saat Matematika ditambah saya ingin manjadi dokter karena itu saya harus mendapat nilai memuaskan dalam IPA. Resolusi ketigaa adalah Mencoba banyak mengerjakan banyak Shalat Sunnah selama tahun 2016 saya shalat sunnah hanya saat disuruh saja karena itu menurut saya nilai saya tidak maksimal, oleh karena itu saya harus memperbanyak shalat sunnah.
Resolusi keempat adalah Mencoba menulis buku selama tahun 2016 saya sudah mulai mencob, tapi tidak berhasil jadi tahun 2017 ini saya ingin membuat buku yang dapat diterbitkan. Resolusi kelima adalah Mempelajari setidaknya sekilas basic chemistry, selain menjadi dokter saya juga ingin menemukan obat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit yang belum ditemukan obatnya dan untuk melakukan itu saya harus belajar kimia/Chemistry.

Resolusi keenam adalah Mempelajari setidaknya sekilas tentang Black Hole, White Hole, Neutron Stars, Supernova, dan Hyper nova saya sangat menyukai hal sepeerti ini yang menyebabkan saya mulai sekarang menonton tayangan beredukasi tentang hal-hal di atasResolusi ketujuh masuk SMA 68 saya ingin masuk SMA tersebut karena merupakan sekolah ternama yang dapat mendapat undangan menuju FKUI


  1. From the police blotter, 
or, what a beat cop deals with 
every day:

    • A deputy responded to a report 
of a vehicle stopping at mailboxes. 
It was the mail carrier.

    • A woman said her son was 
attacked by a cat, and the cat would not allow her to take her son to the hospital.

    • A resident said someone had 
entered his home at night and taken five pounds of bacon. Upon further investigation, police discovered 
his wife had gotten up for a late-night snack.

    • A man reported that a squirrel 
was running in circles on Davis Drive, and he wasn’t sure if it was sick or had been hit by a car. An 
officer responded, and as he drove on the street, he ran over the squirrel.


    More: Dumb and Funny Jokes, Funny Stories, Office Jokes

    A Place Where Grandkids Belong

    We were tearing down an 
old three-seater outhouse when my neighbor asked if she could have the single-plank, three-hole outhouse seat. I said sure.

    Six months later, she invited me 
to her home. There she showed 
off her newly designed family room, complete with a single-plank, 
three-hole picture frame featuring her three grandchildren.

    d. r., via mail

    More: Daily Life Jokes, Funny Stories

    JIB: Job Interview Breakdown

    Have you ever been a victim 
of a JIB (job interview breakdown)? These men and women have:

    • “I was so nervous at a job interview, when he asked me what I wanted to be in five years, I said, ‘Race car driver.’”

    • “The guy asked me to tell him 
a little about myself, and I literally forgot who I was.”

    • “I got asked about punctuality. 
I went on about how it was good 
to speak clearly and politely, and 
it was nice to use proper grammar 
in speech and writing.”


    More: Funny Stories, Office Jokes

    “Buy Yourself Something Nice, Jerk”

    My friend, an intern, was given $50 to get the chairman of the bank some lunch. Told to get himself something, he bought a shirt.


    More: Customer Service Jokes, Funny Stories, Office Jokes

    My Son’s #1 Concern

    When my three-year-old was told 
to pee in a cup at the doctor’s office, he unexpectedly got nervous. With 
a shaking voice, he asked, “Do I have to drink it?”

    Janet Frenyea, Walkersville, Maryland

    More: Doctor Jokes, Funny Stories

    Modeled On Confusion

    The photographer was positioning my new husband and me for 
our wedding photos when he asked, “Have you ever modeled?”

    My cheeks instantly turned red. “No, I haven’t,” I said. “But I always thought …”

    The photographer interrupted me: “I meant him.”

    Joanne Noffke, Oak Forest, Illinois

    More: Daily Life Jokes, Funny Stories, Marriage Jokes

    The Deadliest Job in WWII

    My high school assignment 
was to ask a veteran about World War II. Since my father had served 
in the Philippines during the war, 
I chose him. After a few basic questions, I very gingerly asked, “Did you ever kill anyone?”

    Dad got quiet. Then, in a soft voice, he said, “Probably. I was the cook.”

    Marian Babula, Penn Run, Pennsylvania

    More: Funny Stories, Military Jokes

    The Real Meaning of “An Apple A Day”…

    My wife, a phlebotomist at the Denver VA hospital, entered a patient’s room to draw blood. Noticing an apple on his nightstand, she 
remarked, “An apple a day keeps 
the doctor away, right?”

    “That’s true,” he agreed. “I haven’t seen a doctor in three days.”

    Larry Jensen, Englewood, Colorado

    More: Doctor Jokes, Funny Stories, Office Jokes

    English is Hard

    My colleague has been living 
in this country only a few months, 
and although normally chipper, he recently looked sad. When I asked what was wrong, he responded glumly, “Today, everything wrong is going in my favor.”

    Bacchus Johnson, Charlotte, North Carolina

    More: Funny Stories, Office Jokes


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