The Prophecy

"If the white lion and the black tiger roar at the same time when both the sun and the moon is at its peek. A great calamity shall arise. A calamity so great that whole world shall tremble. From that calamity shall rise a hero. The hero that shall liberate the world. Or so the saying says," said Bimo.
"If the white lion roars dawn ussually follows and when the black tiger roars dusk follows behind," said William. "Dawn and dusk or specifically sun and moon will not arise if one doesnt roars. How are both going to roar at the same time?"
"Well it is called the great calamity and everyone is assuming that its gonna be the end of the world," said Michael.
"Well yeah it somehow makes sense," said William. "But at the same time it also doenst."
"What do you mean?" asked Bimo. 
"Well if the end of the world is the great calamity," said William. "Wont the hero save the world from the great calamity? If that is the case the world will continue on after the great calamity falls."
"Well i got you point," said Michael. "But the prophecy says that hero will liberate the world. It never says that he will stop the calamity."
"The what do you think the world "liberate" means?" asked Bimo.
"I think it means that the hero will end the world suffering," answered Michael. "Ending the world suffering could mean many things. Even ending the world is somewhat liberation if its not through suffering."
"Well then the hero is no hero then," said William."
"What do you mean by that?" asked Michael.
"Well if the hero is ending the world," said William. "Then the hero's title should not be hero. Its should be the destroyer."
"Yeah maybe your right, but-"
Suddenly a bell rang and their conversation stop for a moment.
"Well the bell just rang so lets get going," said Bimo.
"Okay," answered William and Michael.
The therre freinds then stops their conversation and walk to their class.


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