The True Child Of Night

That night was the worst night in my entire life. That night we witneseed far too much and done some wrong things. That night we all lost something valuable to us. The night when we met one of the oldest entities. The night when we met the child of night.

"Hi Rak what are you doing?" asked Faqih.
"Im preparing to head out" answered Raka.
"Going on a hunt?" asked faqih.
"Yes" answred Raka. "A few vampires broke the law."
"The children of the night is always like this huh," said Faqih.
"Well some of them are nice," said Raka. "But they do need to eat."
"But we supply them with food. In exchange they dont kill humans," said Faqih.
"Well maybe some of them is not satisfied with the food we provide them with," said Raka.
"Why cant everyone be more like fairies," said Faqih. "They are not always on a rampage for humans. Its easier too deal with them too."
"Welk not everyone like fairies anyways," said Raka. "Everyone hs their preferance."
"True," said Faqih. "Well be carefull then."
"I will,"answered Raka.

Raka then asembled with his team then start their hunt for the vampire. Their intel says that the vampire likes to go too lakes when he's thinking. Fortunately there is onky two lakes near the town they live in. So they spilt the groups in two and watch the lake. Raka is teamed up with Ridho and Okta.

"Hey when do you think he will show up?"asked Okta.
"Dont know," answred Ridho. "But as soon as he shows he should immidietly gone for the kill."
"Agree we are hunters after all, " said Raka.

A few minutes later, there are movements on the opposite side of the lake. The hunters immidietly steady their weapons. They began closing in on their target to get a better view and to possition themselves. They then see the vampire holding something. Some sort of miniature statue

"What do you think his holding?" asked Okta.
"Im not quite sure," answred Ridho.
"Think we should do it now?" asked Raka.
"Lets observe him for a while," answered Ridho.

The vampire then trow the statue to the lake the he starts chanting.

"What do you guys think hes doing?" asked Okta.
"Im not sure," answred Ridho.
"I think i read those words somewhere, said Raka. Raka the thinks for a while and realize simething. "The things he is saying is chants to summon a being. Whatever he is doing we need to stop it now."
"10-4," answered Ridho and Okta.

The hunters then grabed their weapons and advance. As soon as they get into range Ridho trows is dagger and it hits the vampires head. The vampire is surprised and hissed, but he continued his chant. Raka the fire his bow hitting the vampires back. Okta then advance to the vampire and behead him with a single strike of her saber.

"Well that was fairly easy," said Ridho.
"Yeah weird he didnt even fight bac-"
Okta's sentence was cut by the sudden change in atmospheren the sky that is already dark suddenly became even darker, then a high concentration of darkness swell on the lake the a burst of light comfort. There stood a single being.

"You three shall pay for what you did to him," said the being.
"This kind of preasure, what is this, who are you?" asked Raka.
"I am one of the children of night, answered the being. "The son of the goddes Nyx and Erebos, i am the god of peacefull death, i am Thanatos and all of you shall pay for killing him mercillesly before me."

Thanatos then starts chanting followed by a series of hand gestures. However the chant is extremmly fast that the hunters doesnt have time to react. Soon Raka was engulfed in darkness. After that darkness it can only describe as hell. He thought he has lost his sanity. Time flow weird there after what he felt like years he woke up in their headqurters 2 hours after he departed to hunt the vampire.

"Whar happened to me?" askes Raka. "Where is Ridho and Okta?"
"For your fist question we had to asked the head warlock before and found out that you were put under some sort of trance by Thanatos. Ridho and Okta is here, resting," answered their supperior.

Raka then realize that he can only sees half the room that he used to. He then feel his face the he screamed.

"What happedned to my right eye?" asked Raka Paniciking?
"Apparently the vampire summon Thanatos to get a peacefull death," said his supperrior. "Because you three killed him mercilessly, this is the price that you have to pay. Or so that the head warlock said. Okta lost the feeling in her right arm while ridho lost his hearing. It is also possible that Thanatos still hasn't let his grib on all of you and there is nothing we can do right now. Regardless all of you should be gratefull because all of you is still a live after facing Thanatos. You should rest. We will try too reverse the effects, but there will be no guarantees. Thanatos is a very ancient being. He is one of the primordial gods of greek mythology. Even with the power of angels we dont know how long it will take to reverse the effects."

Raka then nods his head and begin his recovery. After a few weeks of training they finally got used to their new condition and so Raka, Ridho, and Okta continued on with their lives, or what's left of them.

                               THE END


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